Found 2 blog entries tagged as open houses.

What you Should Know About Open Houses

If you are currently in the process of selling your home or you are a prospective buyer, you may have heard of the term “Open House” It essentially means the seller or seller's agent enables interested buyers to enter the property and stroll through it at their leisure or with the assistance of a realtor. The purpose of an open house is to pique the curiosity of potential buyers. There are many advantages and disadvantages to allowing open houses if you are a seller, listed below are some things you should know or consider discussing with your Real Estate Agent about.

While open houses do not sell properties by themselves, they do serve a vital purpose. They attract attention and traction to getting offers.…

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An Open House is an old school tool to lure potential buyers into a listed home for sale. Personally I feel open houses are most as effective as they once were although on occasion they do work.

Face it. In a buyers' market, which we are in now, the buyer is somewhat in control. With that they want to be convenienced somewhat schedule wise. A buyer will request a private appointment that works for them rather than show on a set day between set hours. In a sellers' market, if you recall, 7 to 10 years ago buyers were just racing from one open house to another open house to be the first to bid on the house. Prices were climbing and home inventory was scarce. Today's market is the opposite. In a buyers market there is a larger inventory of homes and…

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